Tuesday, September 19, 2006

AHOY - Talk Like a Pirate Day

Avast ye matey's... Another of the very popular days celebrated here - Talk Like a Pirate Day. You can read all you want to know here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm not really up with all this blogging stuff, but was scouting around websites looking for stuff on climate change for a power point and came across your blog. You seemed truly bored, particularly when you are taking note of such important days as talk like a pirate day! Anyway just wanted to point out that tomorrow is international car free day, so that will give you something new to blog about :-)Meantime, if you can direct me to any good websites about the impact of climate change on Antarctica I'd be really thankful

10:50 PM  
Blogger Neal said...

anonymous, try NOAA.gov

10:30 PM  

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